
Une maman reprend le travail après son congé maternité

End of maternity leave: 5 tips for getting back to work.

The end of maternity leave is a turning point for many young mothers. Going back to work after several months of caring for your baby can be stressful and apprehensive. To make this transition as smooth as possible, it's essential...

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4 conseils pour préparer son voyage avec bébé

4 tips for preparing a trip with baby

Summer vacations are an ideal time to spend with your family and create unforgettable memories with your baby. What could be more magical than watching your little one marvel at simple things, like playing with sand? And yes, our children...

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Les bienfaits du portage : Une connexion inestimable avec bébé

The Benefits of Babywearing: An Invaluable Connection with Baby

The Benefits of Babywearing for Baby and Mom: Testimony from Laurie Thiboutot Today, I want to share my personal experience and some discoveries about the benefits of babywearing, a practice that has truly helped me as a new mom. I'm...

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Une maman porte son nouveau-né en écharpe de portage tissée Chimparoo.

5 Tips to Get Used to Babywearing (And Enjoy It to the Fullest!)

Babywearing can present a number of challenges at first, such as tension in the back and shoulders or a feeling of imbalance due to the baby's weight in the front... In this article, we provide you with 5 practical tips and exercises to overcome these physical difficulties and fully enjoy babywearing. Happy reading!

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Quels matériaux et tissus choisir  pour mon porte-bébé ou écharpe de portage?

What materials and fabrics to choose for my baby carrier or sling?

The safety and comfort of the baby during carrying depend on a certain number of criteria including the choice of appropriate materials and fabric. In this article, discover the criteria to consider to make an informed decision as well as the different types of fabrics and materials available on the market and their characteristics. Good reading!

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5 astuces pour vivre le 4e trimestre avec douceur

5 Tips to Live through a Gentle 4th Trimester

Many new parents cite not having been sufficiently prepared for this intense period and say they hadn’t realized how destabilizing this period would be. Here are some tips to help you to enjoy your baby's first months and get a gentle start to your parenthood.

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5 aspects à considérer pour préserver bébé des maladies et des virus de l'hiver

5 Aspects to Consider to Protect Your Baby From Illnesses and Viruses in Winter

Winter is often a source of worry for parents who are afraid that their tiny baby might get sick. Fortunately, measures can be taken to protect your child as best you can. Read our article to learn more!

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Le portage pendant la grossesse

Babywearing While Pregnant

Is it possible? It's a question many women ask themselves, as they wish to keep on babywearing and maintaining their precious connection with their eldest child. Carrying your first child while pregnant can bring up many questions for moms. We're answering them in this article!

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5 conseils pour un sommeil paisible et sécuritaire chez le nouveau-né

5 Tips to Ease Your Newborn Into a Safe and Peaceful Sleep

Ensuring a newborn baby gets a good night's sleep can be quite the challenge for new parents. In this article, we're giving you 5 simple and effective tips to get your baby to sleep safely and easily.

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