How do you ensure safe carrying? Here are 5 tips to ensure maximum safety when carrying your baby. Even though the benefits of babywearing far outweigh the risk of injury, some parents are hesitant to use a baby carrier. This is normal! Our little ones seem so fragile... However, even if the risks are minimal, prevention is better than cure.
Which carrying position should I choose for my baby?
7 Criteria to Choose Your Baby Carrier or Wrap
Chimpäroo, Proudly Made in Québec
Chimpäroo, the story of a company
Tribute to those who are so precious to us ... the grandparents
Chimparoo supports breastfeeding
Du 1er au 7 août, c’est la semaine mondiale de l’allaitement maternel! Si chez Chimparoo nous nous faisons un devoir de promouvoir les bienfaits du portage, nous sommes également fiers de soutenir l’allaitement maternel